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Cryptocurrency Insights

Trading crypto insights from the heart of the industry - the platform that delivers solutions and liquidity to institutions.

Luigi Wewege

Luigi Wewege President at Caye International Bank

6 Newbie Tips for Comparing Cryptocurrencies

While cryptocurrency is still a mystery to some, there’s no doubt that it’s here to stay. You may be thinking of cryptocurrency as a good way to invest in something that will grow over time. However, you might be confused by the sheer number of cryptocurrencies currently on the market. Which one should you begin with and why? How does technology p...

/crypto /predictions

Kala Kam

Kala Kam Marketing Manager at Coinremitter

Will 2022 Be The Year Of Cryptocurrency And Services Related To It?

As the year 2022 has finally begun the question related to cryptocurrency and services related to it is going to be on the top of everyone's mind. Overall, bitcoin has been rather successful last year. From the beginning to the end of 2021, digital currency has increased by about 70%, bringing the total worth of the crypto market to $2 trillion. A...

/crypto /markets

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Crypto and NFTs could face UK regulation crackdown in 2022

British Members of Parliament (MPs) and campaigners are pushing ministers to adopt a stricter stance on the growing crypto industry. Campaigns and MPs are urging the government to take a tougher stance on NFTs and cryptocurrencies in 2022, amid growing concerns that they could prove dangerous for vulnerable people. “It is the Wild West, this grey a...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Work smarter, not Harder: How to Generate Passive Income with Crypto

When you take your hard-earned money to the market, your main goal is to grow your wealth so you can achieve financial independence. One way to do this is by diversifying your portfolio so that it includes different types of investments, such as real estate, equities, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange traded funds. Regardless of which financial in...

/wealth /crypto

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Accepting Cryptocurrency Payments in 2022: Benefits, Downsides, and How to Get Started

You'll want to consider who you'll collaborate with and how you'll integrate, as well as your cash-conversion strategy. The appeal of instant riches might overshadow the fact that Bitcoin was initially used in a mundane transaction - to purchase a pizza. Even the most delicious slice won't come close to the 10,000 Bitcoins that order cost in 2010 ...

/payments /crypto

Stefan Schneider

Stefan Schneider Co-Founder at COINQVEST

[Checklist] Cryptocurrency Payment Gateways: How To Choose the Right Solution?

Are you searching for the best cryptocurrency payment gateway to accept Bitcoin on your website? This article provides a checklist with all factors to consider when choosing a crypto payment solution and is divided into the following sections: Checkout Page Payment Features Merchant Account Taxation & Financial Reporting Technical Integration ...

/payments /crypto

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Crypto start-ups hit record levels of investment. Why can’t banking provide the services they need?

With growing consumer and corporate acceptance and plenty of interest from investors, cryptocurrencies seem to have it all. What’s missing are the banking platforms to go mainstream. At what point can a currency be considered ‘mainstream’? Is it when you can use the currency to pay for a hotel? To buy a burger or a pizza or a car or a house? When m...

/startups /crypto

Maria Stankevich

Maria Stankevich 

2021 Crypto year in review

In numerous ways, I would say that 2021 was a breakthrough year for the cryptocurrency market. We have seen how Bitcoin hit new record highs, observed the emergence of a legitimate legal framework in many countries which is already having a big impact on the industry, and is gathering institutional support from large companies. The interest of ordi...

/crypto /markets

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Three huge crypto trends to look out for in Europe in 2022

2021 has been a monumental and groundbreaking year for the fast growing cryptocurrency industry across the planet, which has institutional and retail investors alike to thank for its growth. The U.S. Securities Exchange Commission and the nation’s Federal Reserve both said they won’t ban cryptocurrency, essentially greenlighting the industry to c...

/crypto /predictions

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Best Crypto Payment Gateways

The crypto industry is growing at an unprecedented rate. According to existing evidence, there are as of now nearly 6000 different types of digital currencies being available for trading, with a market cap of $3 trillion. Cryptos are now also reaping benefits from the trends of virtual currencies becoming more widely accepted. Mastercard previou


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