Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Founded by Sray Agarwal
Group founded 05 Sep 2019
Posts 321
Members 66
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Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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Sophie Dionnet

Alternative data, AI, and ML: The road to socially responsible recovery

With a total shutdown of certain sectors of activity, it was not surprising that in June, leading economic forecaster EY Item Club predicted that GDP would shrink by 8% this year. Though the drop was ...

24 Nov 2020
Retired Member

The promise of AI in Financial Services

Artificial Intelligence, in all of its different forms, isn’t new in the financial services space. As is often the case with new technologies, banks were early adopters of AI, with early use cases be...

19 Nov 2020
Retired Member

A Commercial Underwriter’s Guide to Automation, Part 2

Read Previous Blog, Part 1 - Insurance underwriting is a critical differentiator between the leaders and the laggards when one looks at it from an operational performance lens. We’ve drafted this 2nd

10 Nov 2020
Steve Morgan

Customer Service: How to Balance AI and Automation with Human Touch

If automation is operating as it should, people should not need (or want) to talk to a customer service representative. But what if something goes wrong, or the customer has a complex query? Take the ...

19 Oct 2020
Hani Hagras

Banking is on the cusp of an explainable AI revolution

Throughout the last half century, science fiction movies have been filled with the idea of an artificial intelligence (AI). Such films often portray a forthcoming dystopia where humanity is in conflic...

09 Sep 2020
Hugo Chamberlain

Why Showing Your Workings is Essential for Trusted AI and KYC

The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) has been in our collective consciousness for decades, mainly due to far-fetched Hollywood depictions of AI-powered killer Terminators, i-Robots and Replican...

20 Aug 2020
Amita Choudhary

The Impact of AI on the Insurance Industry in the Short and Long Term

Artificial intelligence has started to take over many industries by storm. Its impact is easy to see in many fields already, and it’s very likely that we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. The fut...

17 Aug 2020
Retired Member

A Commercial Underwriter’s Guide to Automation, Part 1

Front to Back Office Automation Insurance underwriting is a critical differentiator between the leaders and the laggards when one looks at it from an operational performance lens. We’ve drafted this

13 Aug 2020
Tejasvi Addagada

Artificial Intelligence in Data Privacy and Protection can increase customer trust

The development of Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection domains are largely dependent on the economic and societal needs. While Artificial Intelligence develops better customer services by wran...

09 Aug 2020
Konstantin Rabin

The development of fintech AI could reintroduce FX trading in the USA

Since the 1990s the Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a part of the nerdiest of dreams. With movies like Terminator that are about AIs taking over the world and becoming the overlords of the ensla...

21 Jul 2020
Vladimir Ershov

Unboxing Skynet for Regulatory Compliance

Last week, the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics took place online. Most of the discussion was dedicated to AI and linguistics, with round tables based around cognit...

17 Jul 2020
Retired Member

Machine Learning challenges in legacy organisations

Fans of machine learning suggest it as a possible solution for everything. From customer service to finding tumours, any industry in which big data can be easily accessed, analysed and organised is ri...

14 Jul 2020

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