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A place to share stuff that isn't at all fintec related but is amusing, absurd or scary.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Google's Chrome has no shine? It should be glowing.

Initial reports from users suggest Chrome was rushed out, without internal beta testing. Apart from the the obvious lack of any ability to control advertising, it appears to lack support for much of the content that you want to see or hear. Market data aparently doesn't work properly, Sirius Radio is silent. Wait until the users fix it. There's bet...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Zealous penetrates new markets

Adult Entertainment Capital claims it will be the first BDC ever to focus purely on the "Adult Industry" which has been largely shut out by Wall Street firms. The company expects to announce more than 6 new portfolio investments before the end of September, ranging from credit card processing for the "Adult Business" to real est...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are browsers wrecking the net?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against a little contextual advertising in search results. Someone has to pay the piper, if sites aren't going to pay to be indexed. With both Microsoft and Google (those smart guys somewhere) slugging it out in the browser market with their sights squarely aimed at online advertising it's not hard to guess how much pri...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Drive by 'shootings' on the web at critical level

Recently new exploits which target Microsoft browsers have wreaked havoc on more than one company including at least one of the big6 accounting firms. Companies have been forced to virtually shut down their systems to prevent hackers taking control of everything from browsers, and computers to telephone systems. It certainly isn't pretty if you ha...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Tech Reality Check: Time to Get Back to Fundamentals

Is the internet bubble and the lofty share prices (often without lofty earnings) handicapping down to earth businesses and pressuring otherwise solid companies into making short term decisions in an attempt to chase the internet companies? The internet has potential. That doesn't mean any single company will necessarily dominate the internet. Micro...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Ebay is shooting itself in the foot and bleeding to death.

The daughter of a friend has an Ebay account. Yes I know, but she was selling a few of grandads unwanted treasures. As a student she works part time and is saving for an o/s trip. In Ebay's payment process there is the option for direct debit payments either as a one off, or on a continuing basis. Well, even fools know that to give Ebay continued a...

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

Citi cost cutting gets desperate

Having been hit hard by the credit crunch, Citi has come up with an ingenious plan to save some cash. According to a memo seen by the Telegraph, the bank has decided that colour photocopying is a bit extravagant for these troubled times and is forcing staff to make do with good old black and white for internal meetings. Earlier this year Paul Pen...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Lets have a 'Hackers Olympics' and bring them into the fold.

I can imagine that the folks who have their products defeated by hackers and researchers aren't too happy having their problems aired, however it just doesn't make any sense to me to become protagonists in court with the universities or any other researchers. For example, the current instance of the subway tickets, these attacks require some exper...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

How to tell when 'security' is snake oil

When a vendor seeks to use the threat of, or even actual legal means to inhibit free speech and prevent the truth from being exposed is a typical clue that the product is flawed and the company management is devoid of ethics. When a company tries to make us all put our heads in the sand then it's time to carefully reconsider doing business with the...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Visa shows why it is on the decline. Sell, sell sell.

What form might the SMS take? "Dear Sir/Madam, your card has been involved in a transaction, and because of our flawed and easily exploited transaction system we have notified you in case the inevitable has happened. This does not mean that this possible fraud will be among the .001% of such frauds investigated, or that we will not alter your...


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