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Google's Chrome has no shine? It should be glowing.

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Initial reports from users suggest Chrome was rushed out, without internal beta testing.

Apart from the the obvious lack of any ability to control advertising, it appears to lack support for much of the content that you want to see or hear.

Market data aparently doesn't work properly, Sirius Radio is silent.

Wait until the users fix it. There's beta and there's beta. Chrome is still a concept, a platform for advertising.

Although I did click the download button, I couldn't be bothered disabling my security settings to install it. Then the old hat beckoned from the rack and I worked out how to without changing my settings.

It's beta so I'm not going to let it import my settings or history and I wouldn't recommend that you do either.

There's one thing that unsettled me and that was a greyed out warning about auto opening files, without explanation.

It seems as fast as Firefox isn't when you let all the ads in.

Finextra looks and loads fine although it took ages to be able to watch the ebaday video. It seemed like it downloaded either the whole movie or maybe a plugin first. Unsettling. You don't get any status info.

My conclusion is treat it like you would a Microsoft app, wait until at least two release versions have been patched before trying it on a non-critical machine. I'm over multi-billion dollar companies releasing something that isn't a blindingly shining example of something better. What are you doing with all that dough?

I'm waiting.


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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