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A place to share stuff that isn't at all fintec related but is amusing, absurd or scary.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Democratic Identity Is The ID and Vote They Can't Steal

I've been busy lately pursuing Democratic Identity. DI. Forget your regular ID, that's been stolen. It's been stolen by criminals and mismanaged by governments. The criminals are busy robbing computer users of an estimated $100 billion a year, and governments have failed to deliver any reliable identity to citizens. It isn't the money that is the ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Festive online gift ideas

Apparently online sales are still doing quite well, despite the credit crunch. Anyway, rather than leave it to the last minute I thought I'd start my seasonal present research early this year while pretending to be working on Finextra implementing an RSS feed. Having ruled out a flying car as too pricey, I always think - if in doubt - get 'em a ...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Beat the crunch this Christmas: Eat peanuts, drink beer

The Finextra news desk is groaning under the weight of Christmas-themed press releases, as companies desperately try to generate some extra seasonal income during the economic crisis. One of the more bizarre examples to hit the newswires this week was an urgent dispatch from the American Peanut Council, which advises cash-strapped consumers to beat...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Superannuation Funds Have Lost All Trustworthiness

I have been looking at the Super (401K/Retirement) Funds over the last few months and I don't see that they have much of a future. In Australia investors who haven't quite lost all their money have either had their instructions completely ignored by the funds, or had their deposits frozen. I'd be thinking that once those customers get their money o...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Precedents are now in the way of financial system reform

“Good morning gentlemen…and lady.” Sir Gordon Bennett, the chairman of EuroCorp smiled gratuitously and made eye contact with Karen Carbuncle, the only female in the room. “The events of the past six months have been harrowing and this financial crisis is far from over. We see further downside for the next 12 months at least but, I’m happy to say...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What Lessons Can We Learn From Mumbai?

It appears that there was a lack of co-ordination between and within police, army and anti-terrorist forces, with none of the NSG located in Mumbai. The fact that they needed to be flown in suggests a total lack of preparedness. There needs to be better co-ordination and placement of forces, along with integration of police and army. In this moder...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Islamists Stage Attacks And Target Westerners in India

In well co-ordinated and well-planned attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai Islamic militants calling themselves the Deccan Mujahideen have killed many including the anti-trerrorism leader and taken hostages in three buildings including a Jewish hospice in South Mumbai. India's financial centre has been devastated by the attacks at hotels and other...

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

Crunch hit governments turn to eBay

With tough times upon us, state and local governments in the US are looking to make a few quid by auctioning surplus goods online. Businessweek reports that everything from helicopters to armored personnel carriers to deep fat fryers are up for grabs on sites like eBay and specialist outfit The Spartanburg County, SC, Sheriff's Offic...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Collaboration Does Not Always Lead To Innovation

While I would always encourage co-operation, it isn't always easy to come by and when it comes to designing and innovating I've generally found that the larger the committee, the slower and more convoluted the process can become. This NFC-SIM committee approach doesn't sound like innovation, and some might describe it as desperation. Difficulty in ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A tale of woe...but wait a it real?

“You’ll never believe it but my virtual missus has bl**dy well gotten really pregnant!” “Oh cr*p! That sucks! You sure?” “She’s just over 6 weeks she thinks. She went on holiday with her mates down to sodding Costa del Fortune, for a fortnight last month and…well it must have happened there. She came back online yesterday and straight away I kn

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