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Finextra video extravaganza

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Over the course of the past year the Finextra editorial team have been honing their new media skills with  a series of face-to-face video interviews with high-profile participants in the fintech community. 

Satisfied with the way in which the medium enables us to provide a more analytical and animated spin on industry issues, we've decided to package up this rich interactive content and make it available through a dedicated tab on the top tool bar - Finextra Live.

On the Finextra Live page you can view short, snappy video interviews with SmartStream CEO Ken Archer, Lee Hodkinson of virt-x, Tony Mackay, president and MD of Instinet, Stavros Siokos, Citigroup's head of European AES, and James Gardner, head of innovation at Lloyds TSB among others.

The current incarnation of Finextra Live is an interim step on the way to a full-blown multimedia experience, replete with streaming audio and video content. We might even create our own Finextra channel on YouTube. Sky Box Office it ain't, but our click-through stats tell us there's an audience out there for serious business and market commentary served up in an easy-to-digest video format


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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