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A new era of transformation and convergence for banks

Bank professionals recognise that the payments landscape has undergone rapid evolution over the past decade.  Industry research suggests that by 2020 even greater changes must be expected. In such an environment the EBA continues to fulfil its primary role of supporting its membership through the changes and driving evolution in the best interests of their customers.   

To help provide a clearer picture of likely developments, EBAday 2014 will help delegates to draw a roadmap aimed at assisting banks to prepare for innovation and to guide the development of new products in ever more competitive markets.

The standardisation and commoditisation of payment services introduced through SEPA will accelerate competitive pressures on banks to reduce processing costs even further; at the same time, regulatory efforts are ongoing to improve customer protection. In this context, EBA plans to pro-actively identify opportunities to improve processing and network efficiencies and thus reduce costs for the banking industry and their corporate and retail customers.

Because of fragmentation, the increasing complexities of the industry and the emergence of non-traditional players in the payments space, there is a pressing need for open collaboration and information sharing between suppliers, financial service providers, scheme operators and financial institutions.

At EBAday 2014, we hope to facilitate this dialogue with all relevant stakeholders, to encourage best practice processes and to ensure that new payment methods adopt the stable and tested processes of traditional payments.



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Daniel Szmukler

Daniel Szmukler



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EBAday is the annual event for European payments professionals organised by Finextra and the Euro Banking Association. This community has been created to deliver a forum for EBA delegates to exchange views on instant payments, open banking and new developments in payments processing and technology.

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