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An article relating to this blog post on Finextra:

Santander has UK's weakest online banking security - Which?

NatWest and RBS have been crowned the UK's most secure online banking providers by consumer group Which?, with Santander ranked bottom of the pile.

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RBS does have robust procedures

I consider myself primarily an RBS Customer, with other on-line accounts at many other Banks including Barclays & Halifax.

Overall I am very reassured by the RBS processes, however .....

I do find it a pain that if I need to change the transaction reference to a pre-existing Payee (eg Invoice number), I do have to dig out the Cardreader.

When my first Cardreader broke down, it took me some 2 weeks to get a replacement - not good in these days of doing banking every day.

Now I've accummulated 4 Cardreaders, so I have my back-up procedures.


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Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard

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17 Aug 2007



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