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Customer Care, YES! - Customer Service, NO!

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Customer Care, YES! - Customer Service, NO!

Yes, you heard me right, Customer Care, if you are not doing this then you are falling behind. The old view of Customer Service, which was difficult to get right, is based on a totally reactive way of managing your customers; needs replacing. Customer Care is a proactive approach for anticipating your clients needs, is a way that provides them time savings value.

There is a new view of how customers want to interact today, which is more personal and at the same time more virtual. This may sound like a contradiction, personal and virtual, the fact is clear that today's clients need to be cared for in the way they prefer. Valued information pushed to the client in their manner of choice, or by multi-channels, when and where they want it. Sure alerts are valuable and these can be added to with notifications of industry events or selling opportunities within the bank's client base or local government programs. Customers expect a proactive approach that is attuned to their business's needs and to have access to their information at their fingertips, delivered to a variety of devices in real time.

Inside the banks is a rich load of data on each and every client, there waiting to be used in a proactive presentation individualized per each client. For example, you have a client that is using a revolving LC covering a year over again, well easy to say when it reaches eleven months would you like to renew or set up a new LC. But, what if you were to say to this client we see this LC and it is shipping from Seoul, would you consider working with our client who is a shipper that provides services to Seoul, let us connect you. This is just a small example of how the banks can build relationships between their clients through Customer Care.

Getting this right is a big task and likely a change in culture as customers are not just a thing to be serviced, but are there to be cared for and in doing so you are caring for your own business.


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