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HTML5 - Transforming the customer experience for Banks


There has been huge momentum around HTML5 with Banks and other financial services firms in the last year and the enthusiasm continues into the New Year as technology managers of these large financial enterprises embrace the potential of this technology.

With increased need for rich user experience, interesting applications were created leveraging AJAX and other toolkits. But inherent limitations of the browser like the lack of offline storage, integration with local devices and reali time notifications inhibited the imagination of what can be done with browser alone...

With many advanced features like server side push, geographical positioning (GPS), video and audio playback, and many others, HTML5 provides a new opportunity for financial services firms to relook at building customer experience in an entirely new way.

Features like Geolocation of HTML5 are making life so much easier for end users. Without entering the ZIP code, the Geo-aware application can locate doctors in an insurance application, call center agents will be able to provide information quicker and resolve issues and process claims faster.

Since it is possible to store the user actions locally on the user-machine using local storage, once the user is online, HTML5 would sync the data with the remote server. For mobile traders, the seamless transition between online and offline states can thus be implemented. Thus a trader, doing the analysis can push the trades once he is back online, instead of re-computing the steps because of weak network signal.

Real time updates on market news, trader announcements in stock market, payment processing status updates, latest credit score computations would all be seamlessly achieved through server push using web sockets.

There will not be a need for third party plug-ins to support Audio and Video using HTML5. Hence richer and user friendly experience will be possible for retail banks and insurance customers.

With customers who are exposed to new and innovative experience demanding those features with Banking as well, we will surely see many new innovative use cases for this technology.. 


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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