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On fraud prevention banks need to get the balance right


Fraud prevention for financial institutions should be on the top of the agenda for banks and it seems their customers are beginning to think so too. Aite Group surveyed North American financial institutions’ fraud-prevention capabilities and found that customers are choosing those financial institutions with better security. This is a very welcome finding and reinforces my long-felt view that banks will need to provide quality customer service if they want to retain their customers.

However, I find more to disagree with on the report’s ranking of fraud prevention methods. This suggests that behaviour analysis offers the best combination of effectiveness and unintrusiveness. But the difficulty with behaviour analysis is that it is based on historical rather than current data. If for example, a customer is trying to use a credit card while abroad on holiday, behaviour analysis will suggest that this is not normal activity and often block the transaction, resulting in a (very) disgruntled customer.

A more intelligent solution would be proximity correlation analysis, which uses the cardholder’s mobile phone to determine where the cardholder is at that moment. This technology isn't intrusive – someone at ATM can have their mobile phone and the ATM correlated in less than half a second in a totally invisible and privacy sensitive manner – and it is based on current information, not historic data.

The report also suggests that voice biometrics should be ranked after behaviour analysis for effectiveness and intrusiveness, when arguably it should be ranked higher. The voice is something that is unique to the user, can be authenticated in real time, and is a practical verification method for mobile payments. As m-commerce takes off it will be interesting to see customers trying to use card readers to generate one-time passwords while juggling their smartphones!

If customers are going to become more focused on security, as the Aite report suggests, then banks have got to get the balance between effectiveness and intrusiveness right. A big part of that will come from a proper understanding of the benefits of technologies that are already on offer.


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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