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WiFi Sky High!

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Having just returned from EBA Day in Madrid, I think that the 600+ delegates, exhibitors and organisers, would agree it was a roaring success, with only one slight cloud on the horizon - WiFi.

Why is it in this day and age that the likes of Starbucks, Costa and numerous hotels and other places can provide free WiFi but that conference venues charge "an arm and a leg" for the privilege. WiFi is something that most exhibitors and attendees expect and need to have access to and it's about time that certain venues stopped trying to fleece their customers, in this way.

The suggestion by one #ebaday tweet, was that Finextra, the organisers of the event, get someone to sponsor WiFi next time, which I think is a brilliant idea and would be a fantastic opportunity for one of the network suppliers to win some pixie-points with all the attendees and get involved with this high quality event.


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