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RBS star steals the show

Brian Stevenson, Chairman of Global Transaction Services at RBS gave the best presentation of the day at EBA Day. He clearly described the many challenges facing banks in the world today within an economic and global trade shift and everything from political intervention in markets to the risks of fraud and cyber crime. This was a joy to listen to and restored my faith in bankers ability to actually run this industry.

He noted that global transaction banking services had stood up well to the stresses and tests of the last four years however, he did not not go into the problems of when a lack of liquidity hits the markets. But lets not dwell too much on this but applaud his understanding and resolve to face up to all the problems he so elequently identified.

One further thing of note was a question from the floor concerning the ring fencing of retail banking, which is bound to make all the front pages tomorrow after the Chancellors, Mansion House speech. Brian quite rightly answered that there is far too much not yet known to qualify impacts but I am certain people like Brian will see the changes through smoothly.


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Gary Wright

Gary Wright


BISS Research

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