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Bank social media experts to convene in New York

Finextra has assembled an all-star cast of digital banking executives for the second in our international series of social media events, which takes place in New York on 18 May.

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Will Facebook restrict itself to high revenue vouchers?

As Facebook is now entering the Point of Sale arena in the US with its Daily Deals Offering the question arrises what would be the business model for true payments. Facebook credits are now converted to vouchers and excepted as a partial payment in combination with regular payment methods.

Facebook could be regarded as a closed scheme like American Express or PayPal. Facebook is both the issuer and acquirer for this scheme. If the scheme has a strong brand, functionality and following this tends to be more profitable than the MasterCard, Visa open model with tens of thousands of issuers and acquirers and organized competition. Beeing less of a utility the new Facebook scheme could capitalize on its true value, establishing preferences for certain products or merchants through its powerfull social media platform. So why would Facebook bother to manage the low marging utility payments if it could benefit largely from bringing consumer preference to the retail store and take a large profit from this?  

Would be interested in youre insights so responses are welcomed.


Comments: (1)

Ward Hagenaar
Ward Hagenaar - PaymentGenes - Amsterdam 14 June, 2011, 06:53Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

It is now evident that Google will restrict itself to its Offers service and allow others to manage the payments. You can check out at

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