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Project on core EU e-invoice implementation guideline

The final version of the biased report of the expert group on e-invoicing proposed a European Electronic Invoicing Framework (EEIF). The EEIF is expected to (1) establish a common conceptual structure, including business requirements and standards and  (2) propose open and interoperable e-invoicing solutions across Europe.

In its end-2009 final report, the experts recommended that all actors adopt a common invoice content standard and data model. They preferred it to based on the UNCEFACT Cross-Industry Invoice. These experts also recommended to develop a “reference semantic data” model to ensure that those implementing this technical solution in Europe are to use the correct context.

The scope of the project is to develop a European core invoicing message implementation guideline based on the UN/CEFACT Cross Industry Invoice v2. The project will take into account the core invoice data set as defined in annex 7 of the eInvoicing Expert Group report, the findings of the PEPPOL project, the simple invoice as defined by the BII CEN Workshop and any additional valuable input.

The experts are/ the project is to deliver:
1. A European reference semantic data model for the European Core invoice.
2. Implementation guidelines and syntax mapping to UN/CEFACT CII syntax.

The project is expected to last 9 months:

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