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So many ways to identify online


There are e-cards with readers, there are mobile applications, there are bank based identifications methods and also credit card verification. Last week I have explained to one company that in each European countries there are several ways to identify online if you want to meet KYC- standards. 

EU is planning to set up basic rules how to identify one when online. Each method have positive and negative things. To me e-cards with readers are no-no, because last time I installed that to our second computer I ended up getting card reader, updating my software quite often and finally that tied me to use only one computer when identifying me online. Mobile verification is kind of interesting, where SIM card is verified by operator and it is easy to use. Nordic bank based identification method is positive thing, when repeating same process as logging in to online bank is transferred to business use. Credit cards are kind of handy, but once in a while I suspect that same method someone can steal my card info. 

As long as, and that is long time, there will be several online identification methods. Some are controlled by states and some are issued by state authorities.

I would like to hear your vision, where online identification goes. Will it be software based like card readers or will it be more soft certificates? Or do you see some other way to identify online. 


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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