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The translation divide

Fresh off the news that Nomura required female executives to attend 'tea making' courses - now comes the news that the Asian bank has banned 'gay' nail polish.

Before the Gay and Lesbian Alliance start picketing their offices in Canary Wharf it seems this edict was a result of a poor English translation asking staff to refrain from wearing brightly coloured polish. For example, trouser length was instructed thus: "Wear the one gives to the ankle to the height of pants". Quite.

Now, it is a non-PC reality that some in the West find Japanese accents and poor English translations hilariously funny.

So, for the enjoyment of our Japanese readers I will include a translation of this blog cut and pasted from Google Translator. I am sure it will be error free and not funny at all.


ゲイとレズビアンの同盟前に、Canary Wharf地区は、この布告だのオフィスを摘み開始お粗末な英語翻訳の鮮やかな色のマニキュアを着用を控えるように結果をスタッフが頼んでいた。たとえば、ズボンの長さのために指示されました:"1着のズボンの高さに足首をする"ことができます。完全に。




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Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley

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