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EMV and Singapore Slings


As a french citizen, I was born Chip and Pin capable!!!

Actually I have not known any other system until I went out of France. Now I'm running my own company and I'm travelling more often. I started to be aware that EMV Debit cards (95% of cards in France) were not the only existing option. There are Credit cards, Prepaid cards, some are Chip & Pin, Some are Magnetic Stripe & Signature...

With my EMV Debit card, I've never been bothered anywhere in the world. Never... until now.

This is my first time in Singapore and I happened to travel with a business associate of mine who has also an EMV Debit card, but due to a strong magnet in his wallet, the Mag Stripe has been zapped, so only the chip is working => Pure EMV card, Chip only.

Not a problem, we thought. Any EMV capable device would handle it just fine.

We have tried more than 20 different ATMs, more than 20 different stores and restaurants, none accepted it.

Until we met with this local bank who told us there is NO EMV ATM in Singapore!!!

That ended our efforts to find an ATM EMV capable machine in the city, but we decided to have a look on the internet cuz I was convinced that Singapore was EMV capable. And we found this:

It is supposed to have been implemented (or in progress) since 2004.

I'm not accusing the bank that released the news of course, I'm just saying that the migration process is taking more than expected...

Another funny thing I've seen for the first time here is that they are so not used to processing Chip & Pin that they actually ask me for Chip & Pin & Signature all the time. Sometimes not only do the merchants read the chip, they also swipe the magnetic stripe.

In my friend's case, we thought he could pay with his card with these merchants. But NO. They had to swipe the magnetic stripe first and then insert the card to read the chip. Since the magnetic stripe was zapped, my friend is truly stranded. He can't even go to LongBar (Raffles Hotel) to try the SINGAPORE SLING. And I now have a siamese twin as my Mag Stripe is the only one to work...


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