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Bank scammers diverted customer telephone calls

Police in Perth are investigating an elaborate bank scam in which customer calls to the Bank of Scotland were intercepted and diverted to fraudsters who duped the callers into handing over personal ac...

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Banks Soon Without A Single Customer Communication Channel?

Fortunately this fake call centre scam is easy to pevent.

These customer's data may have been previousy stolen, or perhaps something as simple as reading the person's mail and determining they were BoS customers and performing the scam.

One wonders what the banks will do when the mail channel is usurped too. There is nothing to stop an enterprising criminal delivering a letter to your customer purportedly from you their bank asking the customer to call a number is there?

Things are really going pear shaped aren't they?

First email was suppose to be a low cost and effective communications channel, next the web was going to make baking easier an lower cost, but instead they are no-man's or no-bank's land and the telephone channel is being undermined and no doubt soon the mail channel will be kaput. Perhaps you better re-open those branches.

Banks 0

Baddies 4?

It gives me warm fuzzies, but then I have the solution of course, but it isn't getting any cheaper.

Careful with that mail, it may be from a fraudster. It isn't 1950 anymore...


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