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Are your public sector organisations pushing EUDI-credentials already?

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I have a long experience of driving (some say nagging about...) implementing digital standards based competition driving infrastructures. It started in the early 80s with payments in e-banking, followed by all other traditional banking services, then in the 90s with interconnecting customers with e-id- e-signing, e-invoicing and e-salary services.

Sending e-invoices like payments?
When I was chairing the EU Expert Group on eInvoicing with the aim to make sending of invoices globally as simple as sending payments,  it became clear that a SWIFTlike not-for-profit model (rulebooks in stead of bilateral contracts) was the right model. SWIFT did not make it. Now already available de-facto EUDIcompliant organisations wallets (agent applications) will make it possible to build all sorts of data exchange ecosystems.

Ladders needed
What I did learn,  was that to reach the visionary high goals you need ladders - and you should have a strong focus on the next rung to get the citizen - at home and at work - to start climbing.

With the Trust Infra the next rung is the next credential from the public sector. Especially credentials needed at work in SMEs.

Are your public sector entities pushing EUDI-credentials already?
I am very proud that the Finnish Tax is so committed to support the EU-implementation with concrete steps.  I am sure that public sector entities also in other Member States already see how they - with credentials out and in -  will make enterprises realise how massively they can lower their administrative burdens and risk levels. And lift services levels radically.

Needless to say that it would be very detrimental to the European Union's standing and European competitiveness and security if the massive legislation work would no lead to rapid implemention. And...


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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