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Is the End of AI Near?

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Not by a long shot. But we're certainly witnessing the end of the AI hype bubble, and that might just be the best thing for the technology's long-term success.

Market Realities: A Sobering Wake-Up Call

The markets are speaking, and they're not whispering sweet nothings anymore. Tech stocks are taking a beating, and investors are getting cold feet. One particularly disgruntled investor grumbled that if it's going to take 10-15 years to turn a profit, public companies shouldn't be in the game – that's venture capital territory. 

Is this the death knell for AI? Hardly. But it might be the end of the "AI Gold Rush" era, where every company with a chatbot and a dream thought they'd strike it rich overnight. The reality? AI is here to stay, but the path to profitability might be longer and windier than many anticipated.

The Power of AI in Daily Life 

For those of us who've integrated AI into our daily workflows, there's no going back. I run a GPT model, SCOTi AI, locally on my Mac, and it's become an indispensable tool. From fixing my embarrassingly bad spelling and grammar to challenging my thought processes and filling in knowledge gaps, AI has become my digital Swiss Army knife. The pre-GPT world feels like the Dark Ages in comparison.

Growing Pains: Too Much Hype, Too Little Substance

The AI sector's current troubles stem from a classic case of irrational exuberance. Too many dollars have been chasing too few truly viable ideas. The hard truth is that applying AI to real-world problems takes time, expertise, and a whole lot of trial and error.

Through work experiences I'm seeing this firsthand. One of our clients runs about 6,000 LLM calls for a single project run. Each call meticulously builds up a comprehensive picture of the problem they're trying to solve. Attempt this on a pay-per-call cloud service, and you'd be bankrupt before you could say "neural network." But by leveraging local hardware and our expertise, we're making AI work in practical, cost-effective ways.

The Grifter Problem

Let's not sugarcoat it – the AI boom attracted its fair share of snake oil salesmen. Smooth-talking "visionaries" flooded the market with grandiose promises of AI-powered utopias. As these projects inevitably crumble, they leave behind a trail of disappointed investors and skeptical consumers.

History Repeats: The Silver Lining

Here's where it gets interesting – and potentially exciting. Historically, some of the most successful tech companies were born in the aftermath of market busts. Microsoft, Google, and HP all rose from the ashes of previous tech bubbles. Why? Because the hype cycle weeds out the pretenders, leaving behind battle-tested ideas and teams who've learned valuable lessons about making new technology work in the real world.

Advice for the AI Trenches

If you're knee-deep in an internal AI project, don't panic. Take a step back, reassess your business case, and scrutinize your engineering plans. If the fundamentals still look solid, stay the course. Remember, the stock market doesn't determine your project's success – good project management and sound engineering do.

For those contemplating a new AI venture, the timing might be perfect. As the market sobers up, look for smaller companies that have been growing organically and solving tangible user problems. Be cautious of startups overly reliant on big players like OpenAI or Microsoft – their pricing models are a ticking time bomb for many business plans.

The AI Ecosystem: Evolving, Not Dying

Unlike fleeting tech fads (looking at you, 3D TVs), AI has real staying power. At smartR, we're already uncovering valuable use cases across industries. Just as the microprocessor and internet took time to find their footing, AI is going through its own maturation process.

The initial frenzy saw too many players entering the market, competing at unsustainable price points. As we return to a more realistic landscape, expect to see a vibrant ecosystem develop. This will likely lead to another hype cycle down the road, but this time with a foundation of truly useful products and services.

The Bottom Line: AI's Best Days Are Ahead

The AI revolution isn't ending – it's just getting started. The road ahead will be challenging, filled with failed experiments and pivots. But for those who persevere, the rewards could be astronomical. As the market shakes out the pretenders, your chances of building something truly revolutionary are higher than ever.

So, keep your head up, your code clean, and your business model flexible. The AI winter isn't coming – we're just experiencing a much-needed reality check. And in the long run, that's going to make artificial intelligence stronger, more practical, and more transformative than we ever imagined.


Written by: Dr Oliver King-Smith is CEO of smartR AI, a company which develops applications based on their SCOTi® AI and alertR frameworks.

Image credit: Pixabay


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