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Banking Innovation Trap: How Banks Can Ruin UX by Implementing Emerging Tech

The modern banking executive faces a pervasive challenge: how to innovate effectively in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. They are increasingly drawn to the allure of cutting-edge technologies─from AI and blockchain integration to cloud-based infrastructure and open banking APIs. However, when creating digital financial products and services, this tech-driven focus might overlook the essential component of the user experience (UX), leading to potential pitfalls. This article explores how a user-driven approach to innovation can empower financial brands’ survival and success in the digital age.

The Pressure to Keep Up and Adopting a Tech-First Mentality

Banks face immense pressure to keep up with technological advancements to stay competitive. The rapid evolution of Fintech and digital payment systems forces banks to adopt the latest technologies to avoid being left behind. This often leads to a tech-first approach, in which the primary goal is to implement the newest technology rather than optimize the user experience.

Investors and stakeholders often prioritize technological advancement as a sign of innovation and future growth potential. Banks, seeking to demonstrate progress and competitiveness, invest heavily in new technologies. This establishes a tech-first mentality that leads to complex, user-unfriendly systems that can frustrate customers rather than attract them.

Also, the importance of the user experience is overshadowed by compliance requirements. Financial institutions operate in a highly regulated environment. Compliance with regulatory requirements is complex and resource-intensive. Technology solutions that automate compliance processes are highly valued as they help banks manage regulatory burdens efficiently, but they can often complicate user journeys.

Challenges with Solution Integrators and API Providers

Banks often turn to solution integrators and API providers that promise time and cost savings, as well as shortcuts to regulatory compliance through white-label solutions for features like transaction categorization and payment processing. 

The issue is that competent salesmen sell banks these white-label solutions with a promise that the UX/UI can be fully customized. In reality, customization frequently amounts to little more than changing colors from blue to green, offering minimal improvement in the user experience. Consequently, that leaves banks with "new" but highly standardized solutions. Worse still, they often end up locked into expensive, long-term contracts with these vendors with no opportunity to actually enhance their customers' UX.

The Need for Security Without Compromising UX

Prioritizing digital innovations that enhance security is crucial. While securing transactions and protecting data is critical, it should not lead to complex, user-unfriendly systems. For example, reducing a lengthy 5-minute authentication process to just 5 seconds for a secure login demonstrates that advanced tech stacks can coexist with excellent UX.

Outdated legacy systems that are costly and difficult to replace also pose a significant challenge. Integrating new technologies with these systems often focuses on updating technology infrastructure without redesigning the user experience from scratch.

Internal Silos and Fragmented Approaches

Internal silos, in which different departments (e.g., IT, compliance, marketing) work in isolation, contribute to tech-driven rather than user-driven innovations. A fragmented approach lacks the holistic view required for UX-centered design.

After years of adding shiny features without revisiting product architecture and user needs, banks often find even product owners and managers no longer understand their offerings. Constant "innovation" has buried key value drivers under a pile of features, leading users to turn away from these complex solutions. An external perspective from UX experts is required to prioritize and simplify, allowing users to rediscover the value of the financial brand.

Financial Aspects and ROI

Return on investment (ROI) for technological innovations is often easier to measure and justify than for UX and product design improvements. Technology investments can be directly linked to efficiency gains, cost savings and enhanced capabilities. In contrast, the benefits of improved UX, such as customer satisfaction and loyalty, can be harder to quantify and justify to stakeholders. Consequently, product teams might prioritize adding new functionalities to their digital platforms.

Hidden Pitfalls of Tech-Driven Innovations

Tech-driven innovations can provide short-term competitive advantages and quick wins in the market. User-driven innovations often require extensive user research, design and testing, taking longer to develop and implement, yet precisely this approach creates long-term advantages for businesses.

Fundamentally, when innovation is introduced through a tech-driven approach, its potential and value are often reduced. So, based on all of the above, we can extract some key pitfalls of tech-driven innovations that very often remain in the shadows:

  • Copycat Features. Catching up on trends and competitive pressures results in similar digital offerings across the industry. Decisions are made based on benchmarking rather than user feedback, resulting in a disconnect between the service and its users.
  • Over-Featuring. There is often a misconception that more features equate to better products. Banks might prioritize adding new functionalities to their digital platforms, believing this will attract more customers. However, without a focus on how users experience these features, this can lead to a cluttered and confusing user interface and overwhelmed users who cannot find what they are looking for.
  • Lack of Authenticity. Generic, one-size-fits-all digital solutions provided by vendors could fail to cater to the specific needs of exact financial brand customers and their unique identities. To evoke an emotional bond with the user, every tiny detail should express the authenticity of the brand. 
  • Complexity. Tech obsession without user-centricity can result in implementing complex systems that are difficult for users and employees to navigate, impacting the overall user experience. This can result in frustration and decreased satisfaction among users who find the new platforms difficult to use.
  • Lack of Personalization. May not effectively address individual user needs, leading to generic and less engaging user interactions. AI can be used to tailor financial advice and product recommendations based on individual user data. 
  • Innovation for Innovation’s Sake. The focus is on integrating the latest technology, such as AI, blockchain or advanced analytics, simply because they are new and perceived as cutting edge by customers. This can expose banks to increased security risks.
  • Fragmentation. Tech-driven innovations can lead to disjointed user experiences if they are not seamlessly integrated into the existing banking ecosystem to ensure consistency. This can frustrate customers and erode brand loyalty.
  • User Feedback Ignorance. Banks that focus on technology often miss out on valuable user feedback. They may invest heavily in new technologies without considering how these innovations affect the user experience, leading to stagnation in service quality.
  • Weak Emotional Connection. Overemphasis on technology can result in sterile, impersonal interactions. Customers who do not feel emotionally connected to their bank are more likely to switch to a competitor, reducing long-term customer retention.
  • Inconsistent Digital Identity. Rapid integration of new technologies without a cohesive strategy can lead to inconsistent user experiences across different platforms and services. Consistent visual language and usability patterns are crucial for building a strong, recognizable digital identity that customers can trust.

Empower your Digital Service: Make Innovations User-Driven

User-driven innovations in banking focus on understanding and enhancing the user experience through the thoughtful application of technology. This approach prioritizes the needs, preferences and behaviors of users, ensuring that innovations create real value and improve the overall customer journey to make financial services simpler, more accessible and more enjoyable and not just to keep up with competitors.

Unlike the tech-driven approach, user-driven innovations are proactive and involve extensive user research, feedback loops and iterative design processes to align new products and services with what users actually want and need.

Understanding user psychology is crucial for effective innovation. Customer-centered design acknowledges the cognitive and emotional aspects of user interactions. Banks can take cues from behavioral economics to design systems that reduce friction and enhance user satisfaction. For example, simplifying account management and providing clear, actionable insights into spending can significantly improve user engagement and loyalty.

Apple's UX strategy involves extensive user testing and feedback loops to refine products continuously. Banks can adopt similar strategies to ensure their innovations align with user needs and expectations, leading to more effective and user-friendly financial products. From the UXDA experience in turning tech-driven innovations into user-driven ones for over 150 financial products in 37 countries, we can define 10 key strategies:

  1. User-Centricity. Focus on implementing innovations into intuitive, easy-to-use interfaces and processes that enhance the user experience.
  2. Simplicity. Strive to simplify processes and reduce the cognitive load for users, making interactions more enjoyable.
  3. Personalization. Utilize data to provide tailored experiences and recommendations that meet individual user needs.
  4. Feedback Loop. Continuously refine innovations based on user feedback, ensuring ongoing improvements and relevance.
  5. Transparency and Trust. Build trust with users, ensuring they understand how their digital data is used and the benefits of innovative services provided.
  6. Emotional Connection. Aim to create an emotional bond and long-term engagement with users, making them feel valued and understood.
  7. Seamless Integration. Seamlessly integrate user-driven innovations across various platforms and devices, providing a consistent and uninterrupted user journey.
  8. Problem-Solving Focus. Design user-driven innovations to solve specific user problems, enhancing the overall utility and value of the services.
  9. Data-Driven Decisions. Use customer data and analytics to drive the development and refinement of products, ensuring innovation decisions are informed by actual user behavior and needs.
  10. Inclusive Design. Design all innovations to be accessible and inclusive, catering to a diverse range of users, including those with disabilities.

Innovation will not Save Banks from the Digital Disruption

Banks are undergoing a total digital transformation. By digitizing their services, they are essentially becoming technology companies. Therefore, future survival will directly depend on the ability to integrate cutting-edge innovations. But innovation alone will not save traditional banks, and may even harm them.

If a financial company is ready to move away from a purely tech-driven approach and embrace user-driven innovations, it should start evaluating every feature from a user need and behavior perspective. This shift will enhance digital customer satisfaction while driving long-term success in the competitive banking landscape. Adopting a UX-centered strategy and culture could help banks and other financial companies navigate the complexities of digital transformation and secure a sustainable future.

Involve users early and often in the design process. Use tools like user personas, journey mapping and usability testing to create products that align with user needs. Prioritize essential innovations that provide clear value to users. Avoid cluttered interfaces and excessive features that complicate the user experience.

Establish mechanisms for ongoing user feedback. Use this data to make iterative improvements to products and services. Balance security and convenience. Educate users on safe practices and implement intuitive security features that do not impede the user experience.

A switch to user-driven innovations ensures that the technology meets the actual needs and preferences of users, leading to a more intuitive and satisfying experience. It helps to establish trust and an emotional connection with the financial brand, which is crucial for retaining customers in a competitive market. By continuously incorporating user feedback, digital services can evolve through user-driven innovations more effectively, driving higher adoption rates and ensuring long-term success.

Check out my blog about financial and banking UX design >>


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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