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Even the dead have to pay up!

I thought it is a reflection of the weird times we live in that debt collectors are going even after debts of dead people. This story in the NYT makes a compelling read -

Looks like our economies haven't touched the bottom yet! There is still layers to reveal. Collection agencies are specializing in recovering whatever they can from the kin of the deceased. Not sure if they are using any mediums to confirm the debt from the dear departed! So, this is what we understand by the term 'zombie debt'! We have zombie banks whose toxic debt is looked to being swallowed by 'bad banks' set up by governments - but deceased consumers have no such recourse.

On another note, even the regular 'scam' 419 emails now look so loony. Just the other day, I got an email from an alleged 'banker' in London offering me 60% of the funds lying in a dormant account since 1991. I don't think anyone will fall for this line - no decent bank worth its mettle will let go of such dormant funds lying with it!



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