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Large corporates incentivize their supply chain partners to ensure ESG practices in the value chain

In the heartbeat of commerce, a silent revolution is underway. No longer confined to the realms of corporate jargon, "Sustainability" has evolved into a guiding principle propelling multinational giants into uncharted territories. Beyond rhetoric, these corporations are actively embracing environmental and social responsibility, thereby reshaping their partnerships to reflect ethical and green standards.

As we navigate this transformative landscape, the data underscores the significance of this shift. A staggering 40% of Millennials, the architects of the future workforce, now consider Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria when selecting professional affiliations. The growing acknowledgment that sustainability is not merely a matter of reputation, but a key player for financial and non-financial resilience in supply chains, underscores the escalating importance of ESG considerations.Incentivizing ESG

Compliance for Suppliers:

A seismic shift is observed among Indian executives, where over 80% recognize the critical juncture presented by climate change, propelling them towards ESG compliance. In this arena, incentivization emerges as a strategic tool, allowing suppliers to secure working capital by aligning with major corporations and partner banks. The collaboration extends beyond dictating material sourcing, fostering partnerships with ethical suppliers committed to ESG compliance.

Streamlining ESG Compliance:

Manufacturers, utilizing sophisticated Supplier Management Software, initiate discussions on ESG requirements early in the supply chain process. This not only facilitates seamless data sharing but also streamlines the provision of ESG data through self-service features. Integration with on-premise and cloud ERPs, complemented by technologies like blockchain, ensures transparent documentation of sustainable practices in financial processes.

Aligning with ESG standards not only positions suppliers advantageously within sustainable business practices but also brings forth concrete benefits, including access to cost-effective financing. Suppliers dedicated to ESG principles actively contribute to cultivating a positive reputation and fostering trust, subsequently translating into securing more favorable credit terms from lenders.

Financial institutions, cognizant of the value in ESG adherence, extend recognition and incentives. This translates into banks offering discounts to suppliers meeting ESG standards and imposing penalties for non-compliance. Beyond financial perks, this proactive approach facilitates suppliers in expediting payments, augmenting earnings from distributors, receiving interest rebates, and addressing working capital costs during inventory financing. Driven by shared sustainability goals, suppliers not only secure financial rewards but also foster enduring partnerships with prominent businesses.

ESG Vision: Adding Value to Corporate Strategy

The strategic incorporation of ESG initiatives extends beyond financial considerations. In India, 59% of CEOs are poised to invest a minimum of 6% of their revenue in sustainability programs, recognizing the financial benefits inherent in such initiatives. As supply chains present significant ESG risks, CEOs are investing in real-time analytics to enhance visibility across the entire value chain.

Financial and Non-financial Potential:

Beyond financial advantages, the ESG metrics disclosed by companies significantly impact consumer and employee perceptions. Corporate leaders committed to enhancing labor conditions, fostering diversity, and contributing to communities bolster their brand image. Socially conscious consumers seek businesses aligned with ESG principles, emphasizing transparency and effective communication of ESG initiatives.

Charting ESG Destinations: Road for the Future:

Despite challenges, 57% of CEOs in India acknowledge the interconnectedness of digital and ESG strategic investments with overall growth. To overcome hurdles, CEOs are advised to delve deeper into their supply chains, intensifying investments in technology.


In the contemporary business landscape, prioritizing ESG norms transcends legal compliance—it is a fundamental imperative. The commitment to ESG principles safeguards diverse stakeholder interests, paving the way for sustainable, purpose-driven business in the long run. Large corporations are not merely reacting; they are proactively reshaping the future by integrating ESG considerations into the fabric of their operations.


Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 22 December, 2023, 08:26Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Unfortunately a large amount of the manufacturing supply chain comes from China, who has no incentive to comply with ESG and, quite obviously, does not comply.

Arun Poojari

Arun Poojari

Co-Founder and CEO


Member since

14 Dec 2022



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