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Financial wellness in the U.S. is plummeting. Here’s how banks and credit unions can step up to help

As consumer financial health in the U.S. deteriorates at a rapid pace, banks and credit unions have an opportunity to do so much more than simply holding customer money. More than ever, financial institutions (FIs) need to engage customers and members with comprehensive and targeted services that actually help them grow their wealth and improve their financial security. 

Here’s why. 

More households are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little recourse in the event of unexpected costs like a medical emergency or car repair. Credit card debt is ballooning. Retirement accounts are dwindling. And despite inflation cooling, there is still intense consumer anxiety over elevated prices. All of this is compounded by higher interest rates and a general uncertainty about the future of the U.S. economy.  

There’s a disaster brewing that threatens to throw many consumers deeper into financial disarray. Yet despite all of these challenges, just 25% of U.S. adults would seek advice or help from their bank or credit union, according to a recent NFCC report

Think about that. The very entities that are tasked with holding a customer’s money are not the same ones that customers would turn to in order to manage that money better. This is not for a lack of interest, either. In fact, 75% of consumers say they would value professional financial advice, per another NFCC report.

The biggest challenge for banks and credit unions in shifting this narrative is figuring out how to build effective financial educational programs that meet the unique needs of each customer or member. To solve this dilemma, institutions must embrace modern technology that allows them to tap consumer data to drive greater personalization.  

Bridging the gap 

Financial wellness means something different to everyone. 

A bank might consider how well an individual’s overall portfolio is doing: Are their savings adequate? Are their investments all paying off? Is there a budget in place?  

Meanwhile, a customer or member might define financial wellness as simply being able to understand how money flows in and out of their account on a monthly basis. They may not want a professional hounding them to completely change all their financial behaviors. Instead, they may be fine with one or two small goals, like: Can I start to save $100 a week based on my current spending patterns? 

Often, that gap in the definition is one of the biggest reasons why consumers avoid working with banks and credit unions on achieving financial goals. And it’s why personalization has become so important. Knowing the individual goals of each customer makes it much easier for FIs to meet them where they are – ultimately giving individuals the support they need to take more aggressive steps toward their own version of financial wellness.   

Start early, touch base often 

From the very first interaction, banks and credit unions should be seeking to understand what financial wellness really means for each person or family. 

To achieve this, institutions may include questions to gauge an individual’s current financial health and goals during the onboarding process. Then, once they become customers or members, banks or credit unions can use that information to create a dynamic customer profile that includes suggestions tailored to unique needs. For example, if saving money is a top priority, the institution should recommend the most appropriate high-yield savings account. Or if someone has high credit card balances, the bank or credit union should suggest tools to get debt under control. 

However, as is the case with anything, financial needs can change quickly. That’s why a digital platform is so important – it allows for scalability without disruption. Banks and credit unions need to be able to constantly harness consumer data to create “living” profiles of their customers that evolve as they do. Take an individual that wants to save money. After getting their deposits to a certain level, the bank or credit union might get an alert and be able to reach out to that person to discuss how diversifying their savings could actually increase the returns even more. 

Focus on the experience 

No matter how much financial acumen a bank or credit union might have, a bad customer experience will drive individuals away. Users shouldn’t have to wade through several different applications or websites to find the right financial wellness tools.

Instead, they should be embedded in every digital interaction a customer has with their bank or credit union. Then, as more people tap those services, the programs can use the insights from those interactions to improve their future recommendations, products or services. And customers should have optionality. For example, the Bank of Oklahoma offers human or digitally-managed wellness programs. 

Ultimately, digital wellness tools and modern platforms with the ability to scale can help instill loyalty among FIs’ existing customer bases, as well as help banks and credit unions reach a range of new customers. And using data to drive the experience means each user will feel like they received personalized service. 

While banks and credit unions alone can’t solve the financial storm that’s brewing, they can shift the narrative to become the go-to source for financial needs beyond traditional banking. With the right infrastructure and processes, they can play a vital role in helping consumers better understand their unique path to financial wellness — then give them the tools to get there.



Comments: (1)

Ketharaman Swaminathan
Ketharaman Swaminathan - GTM360 Marketing Solutions - Pune 27 October, 2023, 14:14Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

IMO neither should the customer seek financial literacy / wellness advice from banks nor should banks want to provide that to customers.

Inflation went up. Everday stuff got more expensive. Consumers' finances came under stress. Fed increased interest rates to rein inflation in. Did the typical US bank pay more interest on checking account? No, they stuck to their 0.5% interest rates. Ergo banks indirectly caused financial UNwellness of consumers. If consumers still seek financial wellness from banks, I have a beachfront property to sell them in Arizona!

From the bank POV, providing financial literacy could prove disastrous. As Matt Levine pointed out, "A bank with sleepy depositors would do well, a bank with antsy depositors would go bust".

I know you're suggesting small measures like automated savings but that can be achieved with a simple hack - and without getting into too much personalization etc. - where any balance above a certain threshold is automatically swept into a higher yield account. Sweep Accounts like that were common in India - and perhaps USA - 20 years ago but they added to banks' costs without delivering any returns in the form of higher revenues or greater loyalty or whatever, ergo we don't hear much about them now.

There's nothing in automated savings for banks. IMO it will work only via fintechs e.g. Acorn.

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