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Every single FINEXTRA reader have already heard the term GREENWASHING but I am almost sure that the terms used in the title of this article are not so well known, which is pity, because both are directly connected to profit.

Very special profit.

Profit generated through SAVINGS

For many in Finance and Banking industries, is the word SAVING not very popular, especially if the saving reduce the volume of financial transactions needed, or requested by the clients. The fact is that the adoption of policy SAVING IS PROFIT is necessary to survive.

What represents the terms?

ON-THE-GROUND-MINES "OTGM", named as well "EXISTING RESOURCES" are the source of profit generated through savings. The scale and size of the OTGM is unprecedented, on contrary to natural resources the volume of OTGM is steadily growing for a long time and the trend will not change. 

The reason for sharing this information and knowledge today is the first stage of negotiations that not only will introduce the first finance related global business to the INDUSTRY 5.0 STRATEGIC ALLIANCE, but the fact that one of the leading digital banks is considering to implement the principles in its business strategy and utilize it for further global grow. 

According to the company board represent the "new perspective" value worth trillion of Dollars, with growing tendency. 

I am happy that even the founders who utilize its rich experience and expertize from well known banking house, appreciate the possibility to be part of the FIRST INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION EVER LED BY MAN (HUMAN) which was offered to them after reaching out.

I hope it will not take long and the name and partnership will be annonced officially in the INDUSTRY 5.0 NEWSLETTER published every Friday.

Michael Rada, INDUSTRY 5.0 Founder


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