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Favourite technology of the future?

I read with interest ‘futurologist’ Richard Watson’s predictions for the next fifty years. So if you’re a technologist, or just wondered what life will be like in 2045, take a look at his book or the article here


Interesting technological developments he believes will come in include 3D printers, mindwipes, wallpaper that plays videos and invisibility cloaks. Some of the following aren’t exactly technological developments but I felt they deserved a mention. Apparently the idea of ugliness will disappear, as will death, money, Bangladesh, saying sorry and getting lost. So there you go, I guess we’ll have to wait and see whether this was a great insight, or just an overactive imagination.


Comments: (4)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 30 October, 2008, 14:36Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Maggie - Can you recall some of the predictions from the 70's as to what we would all be doing today (Tommorows World)? We would all be driving Sinclair C5's, and wearing lycra thermal suits etc.

Speaking from my draughty dimly lit office I find the Asimov style visions were so wide of the mark and I doubt the new batch will bear much relation to the future either.


A Finextra member
A Finextra member 30 October, 2008, 14:39Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Thanks for sharing it, I found it very funny, but made me think in the same time.

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 30 October, 2008, 14:43Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Maggie - looking at your photo - of course you weren't old enough to see Tomorrows World.

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 31 October, 2008, 11:06Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Amusing article, although I suspect some of the named milestones have already arrived or passed, I seem to remember a lot of lycra around in the 80's. Perhaps that too arrived ahead of time.

Just off the top of my head, so to speak:

Letter writing - haven't received a personal one for ages.

Proper spelling - long gone.

The idea of 'normal' weather - it only has to snow in Sydney in October - in spring, to bring that one right home.

Milkmen - haven't seen one for 20 years.

Truth sensors - been done.

Getting lost- Satnav GPS already common.

Landline telephones - haven't had one for years.

Disposable mobile phones - done $20 each.

Hotels just for sleeping - Japan

Free parking - already only nowhere you'd want to park.

Democracy in Russia - was there ever?

Surgery carried out by robots - been done.

Driving on the road for free - it never was even before the tolls.

Work-free weekends - Long gone

Hydrogen-based fuel stations- 2000 Dearborn MI

Artificial memory enhancers - Already here

Self-driving cars - See these

Countries used entirely as prisons - Palestine perhaps?

Wallpaper that plays videos - done that.

Tiny Robots for (human) 'pest' control - already done but can't show that one.

Invisibility cloaks - ditto Tiny Robots.

Individual taxes based on the amount you pollute - 2011

Global ID cards - 2011 (a little birdy told me)

National currencies gone - 2016-2020













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