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Demand for knowledge transfer in outsourcing?

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In an effort to find out what our clients and potential clients were thinking...we asked them. Although the tectonic plates in the outsourcing world seem to shift daily, changing the landscape dramatically, we discovered some interesting and relevant results:

1. A rising demand for knowledge transfer

2. An expected increase in the need for outsourcing

Over 80% of our European sample of large, international enterprises envisage a need for strategy (87%) and process (80%) consulting and 59% for IT strategy consulting over the next year. But they’ll want more from their relationships with external service providers; knowledge. Over a quarter (26%) admitted the greatest benefit was the transfer of knowledge back into the business.

The upshot of this is that we seem to be entering a more collaborative phase of outsourcing. The days of believing India was a cure-all are long gone, but we’ve also moved beyond the basic near/offshore dynamic and into a period of reciprocal relationships. Even in these straightened times, sensible businesses know they cannot shirk investment in IT for long. But they can demand more; bringing the knowledge and skills of the external service provider into the business and generating a competitive advantage.

Demand for knowledge transfer is clearly set to continue and outsourcing needs appear to be stable and rising. In these often challenging times, that’s very interesting feedback.

Graham Underwood, Managing Director, GFT UK Ltd.


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