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Chrome was a slow starter for me after I downloaded and installed it today, a clash with Symantec Endpoint Security (SEP), part of our corporate desktop setup, caused the browser to crash each time it was invoked. However some adjustments of SEP lead to the browser firing up.

Initial impression

  • Speedy
  • Great rendering of Google ‘apps'

Further testing will be needed to see if it lives up to the claims of the comic book release. I am a huge Firefox fan, plus I find the "add in" platform very useful, I expect in the future Google will have similar "gadgets" for Chrome.

However of course the questions that you need to ask and answer for yourself :


  • How do Google use the browser to harvest browsing habit stats?
  • Is chrome just a huge spyware machine with "don't be evil" your only guarantee that Google won't misuse the data gathered
  • Is this just another type of BT/Phorm setup? With an opt in or out facility - IE either install Chrome or not.



Comments: (2)

Paul Penrose
Paul Penrose - Finextra - London 03 September, 2008, 16:24Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Enterprise package suppliers in the vendor community will also need to pay close attention. Chrome is more than just another Web browser. It is also the start of an operating system play on the part of Google. Those vendors who haven't done so already might want to think of the implications for their financial model and look at new delivery methodologies revolving around Software as a Service and Cloud computing strategies.

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 04 September, 2008, 16:50Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Perhaps the EULA suggests their corporate model will be more like Oracle.

There will be no plug-ins, ad blockers or modified code, and you may only use their products - chrome and??? to access their services.

Standby for no google apps without google supplied software - and chrome.

I wouldn't be investing too much dependency in that just yet. The obstacles the web holds for business are not solved by the chrome browser or google.

Google has only one run on the board so far - search advertising, although they've managed to buy a lot of spin.

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