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7 Best Money-Saving Tips For 2018

Money. There never seems to be enough of it! We live in a world that is not very keen on delayed gratification. So, it can be very hard to fight the temptation to give in to certain purchases in the hopes of saving later. This is a very terrible idea.

However, the secret to not becoming slave to the whims and caprices of money is to save and invest wisely. Saving is all well and good, but there is a large difference between just saving and saving smartly. 

Saving ought not to be a hard proposition, and you'll find that at the end of this article, you shall have a refined and refreshed attitude towards saving.

Here are 7 top ways to save more money this year:

  1. DIY: Become the throne prince/princess of DIY. This will pay a whole lot of dividends. Create your own style by revamping those old boots of yours, or get colorful by re-painting your home yourself. It costs less money, improves your handy skills and can be more fulfilling in the long run.
  2. Keep Separate bank accounts: This is another ingenious saving tip. Having separate bank accounts will help in structuring your spending and savings. You could dedicate a fixed account for normal savings, also have a second account dedicated to emergency funds and the likes, and then have your normal account for daily expenses.
  3. Conserve Electricity: Start out by switching out the bulbs in your home to Compact Fluorescent light bulbs. These bulbs consume very little energy and will help reduce your electricity bills. Another trick to reducing your electric bill is to switch off all non-essential appliances before leaving home.
  4. CellPhone Plan: There are a lot of quality yet inexpensive cellphone plans. Do your research and choose one that suits your needs. Your cell phone plan might seem small in the grand scheme of things, but every penny counts.
  5. Buy Quality Products: Never buy cheap stuff. It pays to always buy quality products. Quality products should be viewed as long term investments. This is because, while quality stuff might be an expensive purchase, you will be getting full value for your money.
  6. Have a plan: When saving, it pays to have a plan of action for your money. Thoroughly research different opportunities in which you can invest your savings. This will not only help you make more money, it will also give you that much needed savings template and structure or sign up to Couponbuffer.
  7. Get out of Debt: If you're constantly in debt, it will be virtually impossible to have any savings. If you're in debt, make it a goal to repay any such debt. Make it a must to stay as far away as possible from debt. Debt is the most crippling factor when it comes to saving money.

There you have it. 7 super ways through which you can save money this year. Saving money requires Responsibility and Diligence. It is not the easiest task to undertake, but the dividends it pays are very rewarding.

Remember, save today so that you can spend well tomorrow.



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