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Do not fall in love with the solution..

Fall in love with the problem. 

For example:

1. Too low productivity 

In a global open economy it is obvious that innovations for better productivity (which also mean better service) are needed. The data driven networked economy is opening up new opportunities on an expontial scale. PSD2 has been showing the direction for all sectors.

By standardising data and interfaces and creating rulebooks for operators to ensure competition much can be gained. But it has to be understood that solutions should start from the endusers needs (be it a human in private or employee role or a robot..).

The needs for Mydata vary from context to context (new job, new home, new loan, full wealth, full health, new enterprice, new offer etc) and data operators are needed to find the data and deliver more (eventually all) in one packet. Real time structured data from the financial sector (payments, e-invoice, e-receipt, e-accounting, e-income etc) are needed both in the sector and - like health data - in many contexts. 

e-Id is a central tool for access to and verification of Data. Here banks have what everyone else wants and need - trust.  Trust business has always been a part of banking - now it is needed more than ever. For Finlands part my estimate is that last years 100m e-id transactions as bank service is likely to double this year. 

2. The Single Market

The EU Single Market is the largest in the world. But there are still far too many unnecessary national divergiences. The above schetched MyData for Europe - strongly supported by Real Time Economy for Europe - are central for taking harmonization to new high levels.

3. Nobody knows

Yuval Noah Harari is describing our - for many familiar - dilemma in his Homo Deus. The speed of technology progress is rushing to the great unknown and nobody knows where the brakes are. There are so many alternatives and interconnecting directions that nobody is able to connect the dots.

If you are not rather near the frontline and try to see the larger contexts, the new architecture, the enabling technologies, the need for ecosystems and standards and the fashions - you are not likely to accomplish your mission - to improve the world for your part. But being there is luckily both hyperinteresting and fun.


Comments: (1)

John Bullard
John Bullard - TrustChains - London 28 February, 2018, 09:011 like 1 like


Implicit in the word Trust is Accountability. For Trust to be truly "trustworthy" there must be a set of legally enforceable obigations/liabilities and corresponding rights and entitlements..... so that if things do go wrong there is a pre-determined process for putting them right. It is no good if such processes are limited to geographic boundaries because of course the internet does not recognize these- there must be a set of contractual relationships enforceable wherever needed. ie Legal, not just technological.

Best wishes

John G Bullard

London, England

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