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Want to go green? On yer bike!

Given the soaring cost of oil and the increasing awareness that global warming really is happening - the email I got from TFL this morning seemed very timely. As part of their drive to increase cycling in London they are now offering free or subsidised training for would-be cyclists.

Cycling around London isn't as bad as it may sound - for starters a lot of the traffic isn't actually moving and you can get free route maps from tube stations. There's a network of well-signed cycle routes that go down quiet backstreets, through parks and along canal towpaths. It's actually a great way to get fit and save the planet.

I would recommend getting a helmet, padded gloves and a bike (obviously) with suspension. I have a folding one so I can bring it into the office. And Google maps on the iPhone is handy when you realise you really are lost - assuming of course you can get a signal with O2. And of course don't run red lights or go on the pavement or you'll give us all a bad name.

You can find more about cycling and about the looming bike week and the Workplace cycle challenge on the TFL site.

And its worth swinging by a good bike shop too - I bought my Birdy from Bikefix although Moose cycles in Tooting are lovely folk too.  

Got any tips or suggestions? Add them below! 


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