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Finexpo sets out green agenda

Finexpo - Green City, a new one-day conference from Finextra, is to set out a new business and environmental agenda for financial services firms when it opens for business in London next week, with ke...

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Green is good

Organisations that are tempted to cut back on green PC initiatives as part of wider IT cost-cutting efforts may find themselves out of pocket in the near- to mid-term, according to Gartner.

For most companies, being green actually saves money and alleviates some of the pressure on IT budgets, says the analyst house. 

Here at Finextra, we'll be exploring the business implication of the environmental movement in more detail at our inaugural Finexpo - Green City conference in London on Thursday.

We've endeavoured to be as green as possible in staging the event. To begin with, we've signed up with The CarbonNeutral Company (TCNC) to ensure that the environmental impact of the event is offset by investment in renewable energy and environmental projects.

We've also cut back on all unnecessary print - event promotion has been conducted online, and the agenda is available for download-only to mobile phones and Blackberrys.

On the day, delegate badges will be supplied from the eco-friendly portfolio of Identilam, and manufactured using PLA corn material – an annually renewable resource that also generates up to 60% fewer green house gas emissions when compared with commonly used petrochemical products applied in conventional lanyard and card manufacture.

Sadly, I won't be able to cycle in on the day - as I usually do for my daily commute - but for those that do there are ample lock-up points at Liverpool Street station, just adjacent to the event venue at the Andaz.


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Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose

Head of Research


Member since

06 Oct 2006



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Going green

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