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2019 (1)
Corey Baggett

Corey Baggett

CEO at Midigator
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Bio Corey is the CEO of Midigator, a company that uses technology to prevent and fight chargebacks. Career History As co-founder of AdBoom Group, Corey helped secure a 3rd place ranking on the Forbes list of America's 100 most promising companies. After first-hand experience as a merchant, Corey later co-founded Midigator--the industry's only technology platform to remove the complexity of payment disputes.



18th vs. 21st Century Disruption: A Parable in Payment Disputes

14 Feb 2019

There is something happening in the eCommerce world that is baffling. Since the illogical actions and inconsistent mindsets are hard to explain, I’ll use an example from history to illustrate a modern conundrum. Candles to Gas Lights to Light Bulbs When homo erectus discovered how to produce fire, life was forever changed. For centuries, humans