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2022 (1)
Shabnam Wazed

Shabnam Wazed

Founder & CEO at AGAM International
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Bio AGAM is revolutionising lending, powering banks and empowering lives. Our AI driven digital services (SaaS) revolutionise access to finance by enabling lending based on character, commitment and capability: we are a platform anchored by a dynamic credit scoring system. We are a passport to digital finance, putting responsibility and empowerment directly in the hands of individuals and businesses.


Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Scoring an open goal – how lenders can evolve their models and consumers can create credit histories

15 Jun 2022

By Shabnam Wazed, Founder and CEO of AGAM International Banks and lenders have historically focused extensively on a borrower’s current financial information when evaluating their likelihood of repaying a loan on time. Lending decisions are made on factors like payment history and outstanding debt. But millions of conscientious people - potential ...