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2017 (4)
Monica Jasuja

Monica Jasuja

Head of Digital Payments at MasterCard India
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Bio I specialize in Digital Payments to further Indias progress as a less cash dependent economy. A Product Strategist with work exp in 4 geographies of developing products with the wow factor Career History PayPal MasterCard


Trends in Financial Services

Digital Financial Literacy - Key enabler for a less-cash India

26 Feb 2017

While the jury is out on whether Demonetisation was indeed 'The Biggest Disruption For Electronic Payments In 2016', what is evidently clear is that the drive unleashed a series of campaigns on the ground that will have a revolutionary impact on the financial behavior of Indians for generations to come. Primary among these is the rigorous structur...

Asia Financial Services

Decoding the Policy Impact of India's Union Budget 2017 on Digital Payments

18 Feb 2017

As the noise around the Union Budget 2017 has considerably reduced and state elections in India have occupied our minds, its time to do a policy changes in the budget that impact Digital Payments in India and conclude on the analysis of Decoding Union Budget 2017's Impact on Digital Payments in India Previously, I had segregated the analysis into ...

Asia Financial Services

Decoding Union Budget 2017's Impact on Digital Payments in India - Part 1

05 Feb 2017

As Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley stepped into Parliament on February 1st 2017, the weight of an entire nation and the world rested on his able shoulders as he unveiled India’s first budget post Demonetisation. Demonetisation, as a measure in itself has received worldwide coverage owing to the enormity of the move and the ramifications. Everyo...


Is India’s Demonetisation Decision The Biggest Disruption For Electronic Payments In 2016?

31 Jan 2017

As we in India celebrated New Year’s Eve, 2016, it wasn’t lost on anyone that the magnitude of the withdrawal of 86% currency in circulation on India and the world, would be analyzed and felt for a long time to come. We turned into hear PM Modi’s address to the nation on NYE- Thanking its citizens and announcing a slew of lost cost housing incenti...