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Chris Jones
Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Managing Director at PSE Consulting
Message Message me Posts: 2 Comments: 0
Bio I run PSE Consulting which is one of Europe's leading payments consulting specialists



Acquirer Top Tips for SMBs to Keep Trading in a Covid-19 Lockdown

30 Apr 2020

UK acquirers recognise their smaller business customers are facing an unprecedented set of challenges. “Whether you’re a business that has relied on face-to-face shops and you want help setting up a website, or you’re looking for advice on how to keep your business and its customers safe from fraudsters, we are here and ready to help,” commented R...

Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Waving, Not Drowning! TRA and issuer risk signalling in a post-SCA world

27 Feb 2019

There is growing interest in the acquirer and merchant community in the Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA) exemption for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). The opportunity to exclude transactions up to €500 from SCA and place the merchant back in control of consumers’ check-out process is understandably attractive. What remains unclear, however, i...