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Brittany Allen

Brittany Allen

Trust & Safety Architect at Sift
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Bio Brittany Allen is a Trust and Safety Architect at Sift. Her current role focuses on trust and safety education, developing industry best practices and strategies, and representing the merchant's voice at Sift. Career History With more than thirteen years of experience combating online fraud at companies such as Etsy, Airbnb, 1stdibs, and letgo, I'm always excited to share my thoughts, war stories, best practices, and lessons learned, whether on the stage or online. I've represented the fraud prevention industry while speaking to Fortune, Fast Company, Bloomberg, the Hill, Forbes, and at many industry conferences.



Tackling the Surge in Refund Fraud: A Growing Concern for E-commerce Merchants

21 Jun 2024

Walking the floor at the recent Merchant Risk Council (MRC) annual Las Vegas conference, I was struck by how often one particular topic kept coming up in my conversations with merchants across different verticals and sizes: refund fraud. Industry leaders and practitioners are seeing rampant refund abuse, representing a significant source of financ...


The Surprising Cause of Chargebacks and How to Beat Them

24 Feb 2023

As business leaders continue to weather tough economic times, they’re looking at every line item to see where they can cut costs and reduce leaky revenue. For eCommerce merchants and fintech companies, one particularly frustrating source of revenue loss comes from chargebacks, which are increasing and notoriously complex to resolve. Chargebacks a...