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banking circle
Anders La Cour

Anders La Cour

CEO at Banking Circle
Posts: 5 Comments: 0
Bio Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Banking Circle. Career History Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Banking Circle. Previously worked as a technology and financial M&A lawyer at a tier one law firm in Copenhagen.


Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

A look at how global payments are evolving

24 Sep 2020

Advances in technology, along with increased internet access around the world, has meant that global banking networks are evolving; boosting cross border trade and investment. Obstacles and challenges are being removed as these networks become more digitalised, introducing businesses and consumers to new products and services from anywhere in the ...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Why financial institutions need to collaborate to help online merchants bounce back

14 Aug 2020

Even before the pandemic, SMEs were struggling to obtain access to the funding they needed, when they needed it. Outside of the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans underwritten by a number of governments across the global economy, financial exclusion for SMEs has been a growing issue. Access to short-term funding often involves multiple hurdle...


Fintech innovation in the B2B space has only just begun

28 Apr 2020

The payments landscape has seen some major changes in the last decade thanks to innovations from new entrants to the market. Consumers have benefitted from better rates, lower fees, improved customer experience - all driven by new technologies. I can’t help but wonder if incumbents would have invested in digital as heavily without the disruptive n...


2018 payment predictions: the year of the financial utility

18 Dec 2017

2018 is set to be an eventful year, with a royal wedding, ongoing Brexit negotiations, the FIFA World Cup, and predictions of an extremely close midterm election in the US in November. How these events impact the global financial landscape - good or bad - remains to be seen. One overarching trend predicted for 2018, and something to be incredibly...