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2024 (1) 2023 (1)
Silvija Krupena

Silvija Krupena

Director of FIU at RedCompass Labs
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Bio RedCompass Labs Financial Crime expert Career History Over past 5 years I have been leading the development of the RedFlag Accelerator - largest single source of persona-based human trafficking typologies.


Exposing Financial Crime

Like Meta, banks have a responsibility to tackle online child sexual exploitation

20 Mar 2024

Following National Child Exploitation Awareness Day, it is important to note that the online child sexual exploitation (CSE) model has shifted with social media. What we once thought could only take place in faraway lands is now also happening under our noses in our neighbourhoods. In North America and Europe, we are seeing an alarming increase i...


How a persona-based approach can help banks tackle human trafficking

07 Dec 2023

Human trafficking is not only one of the biggest injustices of our time, but it is also one of the most widespread financial crimes in the world. Profits are estimated to be over $150 billion a year. Traffickers’ criminal techniques are becoming increasingly sophisticated, which makes it challenging for banks to spot and stop the transfer of ill...