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2018 (2)
Alexander Dunaev

Alexander Dunaev

co-founder at ID Finance
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Bio I am co-founder and COO at ID Finance. I am in charge of IT, data science, scoring models and product development etc. Together with another ID Finance co-founder Boris Batine, we carry out the overall strategic management of the company. Career History Prior to starting ID Finance, I worked at Deutsche Bank Group in London. E.g. I led a group of strategic transactions in Russia and the CIS. I was also engaged in issuance of convertible public and hybrid instruments by Russian issuers and providing private Lombard and derivative financing.



Governments key to solving financial inclusion

05 Dec 2018

Around 1.7bn people are unbanked according to the World Bank, down from 2.5bn only seven years ago. Considerable progress has been made in just a few years with innovations in fintech taking much of the credit for providing financial services access to almost a billion people. However, 50 percent of adults globally still remain excluded from the t...


Biometrics will eliminate friction in financial services

04 Sep 2018

Biometrics boom No longer the preserve of the military and secret service, biometrics is one of the hottest and fastest growing sectors in the world. With the technology used across a variety of sectors - banking and finance, retail, healthcare and government - and with cybercrime on the rise, it’s little wonder experts predict the biometrics mark...