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2016 (5)
Rob De Dominicis

Rob De Dominicis

CEO and Managing Director at GBST
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Bio CEO and Managing Director of ASX-listed financial services technology provider GBST Holdings Limited (GBST). Career History CEO and Managing Director of GBST since December 15, 2015. Previously CEO of GBST Wealth Management since August 2007. Founding partner of InfoComp with over 25 years' experience in the development solutions for business applications.



Financial wellbeing crucial to personal wellbeing

15 Nov 2016

A study by Barclays on financial wellbeing in the workplace found that almost half of us (46%) worry about money and for one in five it affects our sleep and our performance at work. Clearly our personal wellbeing is closely linked to our financial wellbeing. As Mr Micawber famously says in Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield, “Annual income twenty ...


Role of digital in driving customer engagement

10 Nov 2016

The customer has always been king. Customer engagement is the holy grail of marketing; creating an emotional attachment to a brand can create loyalty which means longer-term, less price sensitive and therefore more profitable customers. Customer engagement can make a significant financial difference: research from Gallop in 2014 found that custome...



Should we fear Pensions ISAs?

19 Sep 2016

The idea of Pensions ISAs was raised earlier this year; to make pensions more like ISAs where contributions are taxed but gains and withdrawals are tax free. This is opposite to the current pension system where tax relief is paid on contributions, gains are subject to a lifetime limit and withdrawals (excluding the first 25% and small pots) are ta...


The power of consolidation

17 Jul 2016

The Centre for Policy Studies, a think tank, recently suggested in a report that pension pots worth £2,000 or less should not face any fees or charges. They argued that this, coupled with the planned pension dashboard which the UK government has pledged will be introduced by 2019, will help encourage providers to promote consolidation of small pen...