Tel Aviv
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2024 (1)
Mila Khrapchenko

Mila Khrapchenko

Co-founder and co-CEO at Ameetee
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Bio I am a finance professional with over 20 years of experience in investment banking, specializing in cross-border deals and an angel investor with over 30 early-stage VC investments. Career History In 2020, I co-founded a venture business line at BCS Financial Group, achieving a swift product launch and maintaining a top cost/income ratio. In 2023, I co-founded Ameetee, a B2B fintech platform that democratizes private markets for clients of financial institutions and expands banks' investment offerings by transferring PE opportunities into securities.



Fintech startups are making small financial institutions more competitive

7 h

Over the past two decades, the fintech sector has radically transformed the world’s financial landscape. These digital solutions have made the industry more efficient, and changed how customers engage with financial products and services. This impact has been particularly felt by smaller institutions, including local and regional banks, credit unio...