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2024 (1)
Jacobo Weizenblut

Jacobo Weizenblut

CEO Trading ADR at TradingADR
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Bio Jacobo Weizenblut, is currently CEO of and holds a PhD in Business Management and a Master's degree in Finance and Financial Management Services. With over 20 years of experience investing and analyzing world indexes, he brings his vast experience and shares his knowledge in trading world markets and companies, with expertise in technology, energy and sustainability.



Agribusiness: Top 10 Companies Leading The Industry

24 Jun 2024

The global agribusiness sector offers some exciting opportunities for investors, offering a unique and promising market that is often overlooked by the average investor..While it may not have the same high profile as high-tech stocks or related commodities markets, its potential for growth and profitability is significant. If your goal is to buil


The Latest in FoodTech and Companies Contributing to Feeding the World

24 Apr 2024

Agriculture is arguably the oldest human industry. Advances in AgTech and foodtech over centuries delivered enough periods of food security to enable the survival of the human race. When new farming technologies and foodtech trends like fertilizers, pesticides, and advanced irrigation solutions, as well as food storage solutions like canning, cre