
Veronika's blog archive

2024 (1)
Veronika Tibilashvili

Veronika Tibilashvili

Senior Consulting Department Manager at Lextensio
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Information Security

The importance of KYC and Due Diligence in business

6 h

KYC (Know Your Customer) and Due Diligence are key elements for the successful operation of any business, especially in today's globalized world, where the risks of fraud and financial crimes are increasing. These procedures help companies avoid legal problems, preserve their reputation and protect their financial interests. What is KUS and Due ...

Financial Risk Management

TOP 3 countries which are ranked higher in the technology sphere (in terms of GDP)

25 Aug 2023

The technology sector is one of the most essential components of the global economy. It's no surprise that countries with the highest GDPs are often those with the most developed technology industries. This article will highlight the top 3 countries ranked by GDP in the technology sector, highlighting their strengths and contributions to the globa...