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2023 (1)
Jeremy Chen

Jeremy Chen

Senior Director of Product Management at DataVisor
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Bio Jeremy Chen is Senior Director of Product Management of DataVisor, a leading Silicon Valley-based technology company providing advanced AI-powered fraud and risk management solutions. Career History Before joining DataVisor, Jeremy held product management roles at SAS and FICO. There he drove development of industry leading decisioning automation and optimization products widely adopted by financial institutions to improve the efficacy and efficiency of fraud detection, credit risk evaluation, and overall automated decision management.


Financial Risk Management

Banks: Real-Time Fraud Considerations to Maximize the Benefits

27 Jul 2023

The anticipation surrounding instant and real-time payments in the U.S. has captured the attention of financial experts in more ways than one. With the Federal Reserve's launch of their FedNow Service this month, banks and financial institutions are both excited to reap the benefits and wary of the potential risks. When implemented well, banks and...