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2023 (1)
David Guiver

David Guiver

Head of Transact and Infrastructure Products at IR
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Bio I joined IR in March 2021 and I am responsible for leading the Transact and Infrastructure product team. With nearly three decades of leadership experience, I have been focused on the delivery of leading-edge payment solutions to banks and intermediaries. Career History During my career, I have worked in a variety of organisations ranging from next generation start-ups to large global multi-nationals - whilst retaining a common theme of payments evolution. I have previously worked with ACI Worldwide, Distra and Visa. My areas of expertise include real-time payments, customer solution engagement and product delivery.


Frictionless Payments

Optimising Payments - and the transition to ISO20022

19 Apr 2023

Payment models are changing radically, creating both challenges and opportunities for financial institutions. New digital-only banks have accelerated innovation, while the pace of global change has created a new competitive landscape. UK financial institutions also face the additional pressures created by the need to migrate to new technology plat...