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2023 (1)
Mark Roberts

Mark Roberts

Head of Business Development North America at Aryza
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A changing landscape

18 Jan 2023

According to the latest Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) stats, the total number of insolvencies (bankruptcies and proposals) in Canada increased by 7.3% compared to the previous month. Bankruptcies increased by 6% and proposals increased by 7.7%. While these stats paint a worrying picture, they are perhaps unsurprising. The billi...

Banking and Lending Solutions

Redefining money management for the consumer

01 Nov 2022

According to a recent study, a lack of financial education has led to some consumers in North America having inadequate household and retirement savings, and high levels of credit card and student loan debt - a worrying statistic as the global economic downturn continues. The U.S. ranked 14th in the world for basic financial skills, with only 57% ...