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2022 (2)
Michael D'onofrio

Michael D'onofrio

CEO at Orbus Software
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Banking Architecture

Clarity, Agility, Reliability, and Simplicity: 4-step guide for operational resilience

04 Apr 2022

Is your business resilient? It’s a simple question, and many of us would like to answer with a simple yes. However, it’s the unfortunate case that many aren’t. Regulators are increasingly focusing on resiliency. These firms must ensure their businesses are able to prevent, adapt, and respond to any and all outside disruptions. This includes being a...

Banking Architecture

Combatting Mounting Technical Debt: A Guide for Banking and Finance Enterprises

01 Feb 2022

As we have witnessed in the last 18 months, it is impossible to foresee what technologies a company will need in the future. The pandemic is a testament to this, as the world saw digital transformation happen at a rate never seen before. With a drastic rise in digital banking, the financial industry was one of the most prominent sectors to experie...