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2022 (2)
Rafal Andzejevski

Rafal Andzejevski

Co-founder at PayAlly
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Banking Regulations

Fintech sector’s overreliance on chatbots is a mistake

26 Apr 2022

A recent study has found that 73% of consumer banking interactions are now digital, as people and businesses increasingly choose direct banks over more traditional banking institutions. Some of the key reasons for this include a more frictionless experience, a lower defection rate, and crucially – higher customer satisfaction overall. Having said...



Why banks and fintechs still fail SMBs

10 Jan 2022

Today, at least when it comes to the consumer side of it, we are all used to payments being instant, reliable and basically free. When sending money to friends and family, we rarely think about “what bank are they using” or “will my payment clear”. It is a nice utopia, where borders do not matter anymore and funds can easily move between different...